“No winter lasts forever, no spring skips its turn. “ - Hal Borland
And I guess in life is the same not only with the seasons…After a very strong winter that hit all Europe and not only the sun begins to be stronger and all the colors start to be brighter…..
Season change fashion changes….What a stupid thing….i don’t belive in trends , but I belive in colors and in their power to express our feelings..
I would reather say that they help us to express our feelings and not only in each occasion..They are a communication code and say a lot about our personality and mood……
So looking in designers collection for this spring/summer for this year.
In my opinion the Queen of this summer will be turquoise in all tones,and to be sincer I am very happy that the strong-neon colors are gone!!!!!!!!!!! They stressed my eyes last summer and I couldn’t stand anymore this but I see the cardinal purple is again and since 2 years is the new black….
It was so funny last spring to see on the streets of
For myself,I can say that I will wear purple when nobody will wear it and it will be just a memory for all of us….
It is so good to be non-in-trend!
So my dear friends get inspired what ever dressing style you have,let colors come in your dressing room and give a big “Welcome!”to spring in your soul.......

I love colors. I'm a certified color consultant. I used to do this when I was in the states. :))