First contact with the Far East culture was trough the book of James Clavell “Shogun”~ Japanese culture and society organization…after this was the “Memoirs of a Geisha” both the book and the movie…(I always think that the books are better then the movies)
And so my job gave me the opportunity to go to
I think it was the place that had the biggest impact on me…from the superfast trains to the wonderful gardens,from the traditional geisha to the new ones…from the kabuki theater to the stadium concerts…
It seamed like mixing 2 world in such a perfect order…Old with new....evolution with regression…
But is there something that regressed? Are the manga cartoons a regression of the Japanese art?because this influenced a lot the young teenagers from

Where I wanted to get is to the “new doll girls”~harajuku that seam they get a lot of fans even in Europe…Clearly seen on the streets….Huge wedge heels, black outfits,scary~crazy hair,a porcelain face and lots of mascara and eyeliner….

For myself I prefer a traditional Maiko with their white painted face and red lips….
I can’t deny the fact that beside this “misunderstood teenagers”( I don’t know who doesn’t understand them…the society or themselves?mah…) the Japanese women are very feminine..almost always wearing a skirt and small heels.With a makeup that you never see but you know is there…
But when you compare this petite ladies with the “manga dolls”you ask yourself is madame butterfly dead?
I think the answer stays in the the mix between evolution and regression but where should we put this 2 words evolution for a manga/harajuku or regression for maiko? Or viceversa…Each should put it where he likes more…Degustibus non discutandum…..

Now my life is taken me again to
Until then enjoy “Un bel di”~Madame Butterfly –G.Puccini…