A little”very” nervouse….
This is why I need to calm down…..and say all…..
Like all Saturdays morning I prefer take breakfast with my friends….and today I tought to take also K.with me…because a little fresh air would make good and after we go to see what’s around shops…
I don’t feel to let her alone go around because not knowing the language yet would make me a little worry…
So we dress up…she puts the most beautiful green hijab I ever seen…she looks soooooo pretty..
And what I tought??!?!if she puts it lets try! I just covered my hair…and I liked that kind of tourban she wraped me up…grab our maxi bags and hit the road Jack….We got to the coffeeshop and there were waiting my “friends” they made a face!!!!!!!!!!
I said “hello everybody! She is K. my friend….They nither said “hi”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!just an “Ah!”(I said to myself we heading for a fall….”)
And so from one croissant to an other and from the first cappuccino to the next they told me….”D.you should stop pretending being on of them”….i tought I got lighted up……but I holded my calm…”you know we aren’t very happy to go around wrapped like that…and to be seen with such persons….. I got black….. “you know here we aren’t in the desert….mamma mia! I got so nervouse…I just told them: Yes we aren’t but you act like living in one!the answer was: “we tought you had more class!” and the replay “is because I have class I get up from here and I go….”I tooked K. and left. She knew something wrong happened and asked me if was her fault…I calmed her…
I never imagined my best friends…. we know us from some good years would tell me this….how closed mind they can be????????????????? I really don’t understand….
Is my problem in what I belive what I do and with who I am friend….they should know that K.is more pure then all of them!!!!
I couldn’t let this accident ruine our day out…so I took K.to the mall…we had so much fun…We bought some things for the house and some clothes for her…like she says “to wear them inside” I adore her!
What a wonderful story is the life…I used to hate her…and now she is my best friend…..
Today I learn how to cook cous-cous :D just can’t wait….
I feel a little disappointed on people…how they can be so stupid….(not all!!!) only if they would listen to this girls…and their beauty and I talk here about the inner one…it makes me really sad…..
I really didn’t wanted K. to assist to this thing...
I just immagin Monday going to university….:)) this makes me laugh….but I swam against the courent….always….
And I will not stop now….never…..