the world crushed in the last months for me....i feel like a zoombie work work work work study study....
i need a brake.....girls remmber to forget a love or to pass over a suffering u dont have to leave urself in the arms of success...it makes worse...bc in the end of the day,when u come back home.....u are still alone...listening to ur cd and drinking a nice glass of wine listening to an old song....
i need new air...i want to move from this town that i cant stand...i cant stand seeing how other are building their own happyness on the tears of somebody else.....is just not fair....
i am really thiking to get some professional help....bc i dont eat,dont sleep, i still cry sometimes i ask myself didn't i ended my tears?there is a shop where can i buy them?
i feel like i am carrying the age of the world on my sholders.....so heavy and old......this is what i see in the mirror......but i guess this stuff makes us grow....
last night i woke up crying....i couldnt stop.....in the end after 2 hours i stopped it takes some courage to say i cryed....and to admitt ur own tears...even to realize that u are crying...
i stayed up until the morning and see the sun rise....but there was snowing....i felt like i was living one of hans christian andersen's storys.....
just put the cattle on and make some tea....without cookies!cookies are bad!they get all of u on ur lower side :P :P
i was looking on my windows....we are in the end windows.....we can leave people look in or we pull the courtin....we can be lightend or we just love the dark....we can open ourselfs or we can close....we let the sun or we hide from the sun....but we open on a rainy day how strange we are?!?!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmDWvGKLzBE one of my favorites songs....