Wednesday, October 7, 2009

letter to the lost love.....

Dear lost love,

In the heart of the night u came in front of my door, the most of the people are already sleeping!She knows you came?what u told her?

You said u want to talk…..what u want to tell me?your words are baldes inside of me…they hurt me more then pain without limits when a limit doesn’t exist…

I think you should return to her……I don’t want to see you every second looking at the celluar telling you will come soon home and you are busy…go to her!turn back…this time you don’t need an excuse you shouldn’t hide….

I don’t want to feel in my house her perfume…let it where it is!!!if she won what I lost is invane to tell you I love you now…

Give her all the roses of the earth but the spines let them here with me……all your things I put them in a suitcase toghter with the tears I cried for you…I don’t want to aspect my end when I know there will be no end…

Turn back to her…never I tought that will come the day when I had to lose you….our love for me was unbreakable….

Turn back to her…don’t make her worry…she must wait you for dinner…and remember when you hug her again…at least think a lil like when I was there….turn back to your house,to your half….

You tell me she is just a form…but she is a woman….i feel pitty for her…but one good thing you did…with your actions you gived me the pride and the liberty back..

Don’t worry for me I know how to lose…I am a woman and the world for me will not end here…all starts now…

I offer you a tea with this weather we all need one….i look at you …I cant belive I loved you….you say you want to close all the bruises….but at what will serve all this???

Already every foto we had I closed it in a box and it will preserve itself…in the book of our story…like a chapter…a monument in our memory…you are pathetic, you are so ridiculous, so false when you try to be diplomatic …you want to set me a other times…but I will not fall in the game of 3 persons-realationship…

And how is this story u feel the wish to touch me?to kiss me?until where you want to arrive?you really consider me stupid…oh good…now you are even diabolic…poor her…I don’t want your passion..because passion is a bottle that will finish…and who will take all?not me…I would be the 3rd here……..she won what I lost….she should be happy…better go home she must been waiting you…

And so you leave..we say goodbye for the last time….i smile…and you cry…I think is too late for your tears and fears…maybe you realize you did a mistake coming here….

And so in the biggest silence of the night I close the door behind you…and behind of all we had…

Is the first time I feel unchained…and free..betwin the tears….I cry…bc I am proud of me..and I feel like a true women…

The power of saying “no”makes me feel the queen of the world…I will take the best from every second…even if I said I will never be able again to talk with you and not to suffer now I feel free…and happy…and my eyes from today will not be sad anymore….

I am rebirth again…without you…alone…but I feel happy…and I know that men are babies by acting and thiking…that’s why the world are leaded from women…bc we are stronger…

I really don’t understand why you came…and why you lied to her…I am sure she knows…a woman understand when a man tells her a lie….but I guess she doesn’t have the power to tell you…this are we women we are happy with little…

I wish you all the happiness in the world and all the love …even if I see that you are looking for it and you look for it in other placeses then where is ur place next to your wife….

The one that tried to make you happy……….