Thursday, February 25, 2010

“No winter lasts forever, no spring skips its turn. “ - Hal Borland

And I guess in life is the same not only with the seasons…After a very strong winter that hit all Europe and not only the sun begins to be stronger and all the colors start to be brighter…..

Season change fashion changes….What a stupid thing….i don’t belive in trends , but I belive in colors and in their power to express our feelings..

I would reather say that they help us to express our feelings and not only in each occasion..They are a communication code and say a lot about our personality and mood……

So looking in designers collection for this spring/summer for this year.

In my opinion the Queen of this summer will be turquoise in all tones,and to be sincer I am very happy that the strong-neon colors are gone!!!!!!!!!!! They stressed my eyes last summer and I couldn’t stand anymore this but I see the cardinal purple is again and since 2 years is the new black….

It was so funny last spring to see on the streets of Italy that from 10 persons 7 had something purple on….

For myself,I can say that I will wear purple when nobody will wear it and it will be just a memory for all of us….

It is so good to be non-in-trend!

So my dear friends get inspired what ever dressing style you have,let colors come in your dressing room and give a big “Welcome!”to spring in your soul.......

Sunday, February 21, 2010


After I wrote in my “7 things about me” that I like to make my own homemade spa i want to share with all of you some of my secrets…..
We have to take care from of 3 steps in our :

PREPARING THE ROOM: To enjoy the bath as much as we can is sure that the bath has to be very clean (I guess all of us keep it clean because is important for our health) then you can light some candles and some incense sticks,get some fluffy towels that should wait you when you get out of the tub….
Put some relaxing music or music that you like in low tone.This little things will not only make the bath get into a special mood but also it will give you the right spirit to make it……

The second step is the preparation of the receipts.There are a lot of them and some of them even from ancient times for example the bath milk of Cleopatra…In our times they changed to comfort our need and possibility…
In one bowl take 50g of powder milk,50g of liquid honey,one spoon of jojoba oil,5 drops of essential rose oil,5 drops of essential patchouli oil and 5 drops of essential santal oil.Mix all of them very good and pour them into the water of the tub.

The plants are also known for their capacity of healing and relaxing…Next receipt is known for it heeling quality when the flu takes over us…. For this you need mint, ginger, meadow sage, chanterelle, savory, laurel leaves.If you don’t find all of this ingredients you can use the tea bags that contain this plants,the ginger cut it to slices and put all in one cloth bag and drop it in the warm-hot water…let it for some 10 minutes and then you can take your bath….
Another receipt for when you have the feeling that the cold has got even into your heart, is made like this : rosemary, lavender, meadow sage, ginger, cinnamon, balm.Do the same like before and drop it into water….
The last one is against insomnia and anxiety…Put in a cloth bag lavender, rose petals, wild camomile and hop flowers…and drop it in the warm water…
I know it can sound very difficult to find this plants but if you go in any naturist shop…

The last important step is after the bath….don’t rub your skin with the towl because will make it very dry and apply a body lotion that you prefer and get in bed 10 minutes after you get out of the tub…..

I will try to share you some beauty tricks and ideas that sometimes can be better then the most expensive cosmetics…

Friday, February 19, 2010

7 things about me....

this is to my friend hijab chic to answer her challenge


  1. I am so stubborn that I would be able to go to the moon and back for my ideas,wishes,hopes and dreams:
  2. I want to have 3 children:2 girls and 1 boy….And call the girls :Yara and Sara the boy I leave the father to decide…( I know is strange that I want so many but thinking that nobody makes children today…plus they make a woman complete)
  3. I love to travel and to know people and cultures specially Orient (both of them far and middle),Africa are my favorite places…..
  4. I love the Sunday morning….bc I like to spoil my self with a nice bubble bath and the home made spa (I have some receipts of masks all natural)…and candles and incenses sticks!
  5. I cant live without music and books I read like 2-3 books a week and specially fairytales are the most beautiful things that somebody can write. I listen music since I get up in the morning until I sleep
  6. I talk tooooooooooooo much that sometimes I get the feeling that I stress persons….
  7. I love to sleep a lot! Too much like others say! I prefer a full night of sleep then a party :D :D :D (I am old fashioned! Like a granny!)

We should do this stuff more often!7 things we like ,7 things we hate, 7 things we would change…..a good idea!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


British fashion designer Alexander McQueen has been found dead after taking his own life.
The 40-year-old committed suicide just days after the death of his beloved mother, Joyce, last Tuesday.
His death also comes just three years after his close friend, Isabella Blow - who plucked him from obscurity and helped him become a star - killed herself.
McQueen, who was christened Lee but used his middle name for his label, was found at his luxury flat in Mayfair, central London. It is believed he hanged himself;
His death comes just days before the start of London Fashion Week and weeks before he was due to unveil his new collection at Paris Fashion Week on March 9.
His design company said in a statement: 'On behalf of Lee McQueen's family, Alexander McQueen today announces the tragic news that Lee McQueen, the founder and designer of the Alexander McQueen brand, has been found dead at his home.
'At this stage it is inappropriate to comment on this tragic news beyond saying that we are devastated and are sharing a sense of shock and grief with Lee's family.
'Lee's family has asked for privacy in order to come to terms with this terrible news and we hope the media will respect this.'
Two police officers were outside the entrance to his flat, which is in a six-storey red-brick building.
Scotland Yard said police were called to the property by the London Ambulance Service at 10.20am after he was found dead.
A police statement said: 'Next of kin have been informed, however we await formal identification. A post mortem will be scheduled in due course, an inquest will open and adjourn in due course. The death is being treated as non suspicious…….

Monday, February 8, 2010

this is all i can say for tonight.....i got this song today in car.....and got melancolic......:( still like it.....

Sunday, February 7, 2010

the world crushed in the last months for me....i feel like a zoombie work work work work study study....
i need a brake.....girls remmber to forget a love or to pass over a suffering u dont have to leave urself in the arms of makes worse...bc in the end of the day,when u come back home.....u are still alone...listening to ur cd and drinking a nice glass of wine listening to an old song....

i need new air...i want to move from this town that i cant stand...i cant stand seeing how other are building their own happyness on the tears of somebody just not fair....

i am really thiking to get some professional help....bc i dont eat,dont sleep, i still cry sometimes i ask myself didn't i ended my tears?there is a shop where can i buy them?

i feel like i am carrying the age of the world on my heavy and old......this is what i see in the mirror......but i guess this stuff makes us grow....

last night i woke up crying....i couldnt the end after 2 hours i stopped it takes some courage to say i cryed....and to admitt ur own tears...even to realize that u are crying...

i stayed up until the morning and see the sun rise....but there was snowing....i felt like i was living one of hans christian andersen's storys.....

just put the cattle on and make some tea....without cookies!cookies are bad!they get all of u on ur lower side :P :P

i was looking on my windows....we are in the end windows.....we can leave people look in or we pull the courtin....we can be lightend or we just love the dark....we can open ourselfs or we can close....we let the sun or we hide from the sun....but we open on a rainy day how strange we are?!?! one of my favorites songs....